Registered Migration Australia


ANZSCO 242111

Lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conducts research in a particular field of knowledge. Registration or licensing may be required.


Skill Level


Occupation Lists

This occupation is on the following skills lists:



This occupation is not on the following skills list:

Labour Market Testing Required for 457 List

Skilled Occupations List


DIAC Endorsed Correlations to ASCO Occupations

2421-11 University Lecturer


Group: 2421 University Lecturers and Tutors


prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conduct research in a particular field of knowledge.



  • preparing and delivering lectures, and conducting tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions
  • preparing and marking essays, assignments and examinations
  • advising students on academic and related matters
  • attending departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars
  • supervising work programs of postgraduate and honours students and tutorial staff
  • participating in setting course and degree requirements, curriculum revision and academic planning
  • serving on council, senate, faculty and other committees and professorial boards
  • conducting research and undertaking consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
  • stimulating and guiding class discussions
  • compiling bibliographies of specialised materials for reading assignments


Skill Level
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).


Registration or licensing is required.


Occupations in this Group