Registered Migration Australia
Provides direct medical care to patients requiring general or local anaesthesia for surgical, diagnostic and other procedures such as prevention of pain and maintenance of body function. Registration or licensing is required.
Skill Level
Occupation Lists
This occupation is on the following skills lists:
This occupation is not on the following skills list:
Labour Market Testing Required for 457 List
DIAC Endorsed Correlations to ASCO Occupations
provide direct medical care to patients requiring general or local anaesthesia for surgical, diagnostic and other procedures such as prevention of pain and maintenance of body function. Anaesthetic Registrars training as Anaesthetists are included in this unit group.
Skill Level
Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification, two years hospital-based training, and at
least five years specialist study and training (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing is required.
Occupations in this Group
Sources: and DIBP
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