ANZSCO Occupation
Positions excluded due to caveat (summary)
Relevant ‘note’ no. in instrument
Accountant (General) (ANZSCO 221111)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- clerical, book keeper and accounting clerk positions
- positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
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Advertising Specialist (ANZSCO 225111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Aeroplane Pilot (ANZSCO 231111)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Agricultural Technician (ANZSCO 311111)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Animal Attendants and Trainers(nec) (ANZSC0 361199)
Excludes positions related to animal husbandry, including but not limited to positions that involve caring for livestock on a farm.
Apiarist (ANZSCO 121311)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Aquaculture Farmer (ANZSCO 121111)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Baker (ANZSCO 351111)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- relate to mass or standardised production, including positions based in a franchise or factory, as opposed to specialist production
- involve full or partial production of food product for distribution to another location
- predominantly involve the use of pre-prepared food product from another location.
Beef Cattle Farmer (ANZSCO 121312)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Cafe or Restaurant Manager (ANZSCO 141111)
Excludes positions in a limited service restaurant. A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- fast food or takeaway food services
- fast casual restaurants
- drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
- limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
- limited service pizza restaurants.
Chef (ANZSCO 351311)
Excludes positions involved in mass production in a factory setting or positions in a limited service restaurant. A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- fast food or takeaway food services
- fast casual restaurants
- drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
- limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
- limited service pizza restaurants.
Chief Executive or Managing Director (ANZSCO 111111)
Excludes positions have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$180,001 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
Conference and Event Organiser (ANZSCO 149311)
Excludes positions that:
- are in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M; or
- that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000.
Contract Administrator (ANZSCO 511111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Cook (ANZSCO 351411)
Excludes positions involved in mass production in a factory setting or positions in a limited service restaurant. A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- fast food or takeaway food services
- fast casual restaurants
- drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
- limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
- limited service pizza restaurants.
Corporate General Manager (ANZSCO 111211)
Excludes positions that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$180,001 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
Corporate Services Manager (ANZSCO 132111)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- in businesses that have fewer than five employees; or
- have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$80,000 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
Cotton Grower (ANZSCO 121211)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Crop Farmers (nec) (ANZSCO 121299)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Customer Service Manager (ANZSCO 149212)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- are based in a front-line retail setting
- predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis
- with businesses than have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000.
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Dairy Cattle Farmer (ANZSCO 121313)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Facilities Manager (ANZSCO 149913)
Excludes positions:
- not located in a commercial building or shopping centre environment, or
- that predominantly involve the management of the provision of one particular service to a facility or managing one particular relationship.
Example: a position that manages the cleaning contract for a facility but not other contracts relevant to the facility.
Finance Manager (ANZSCO 132211)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Fitness Centre Manager (ANZSCO 149112)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Flower Grower (ANZSCO 121212)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Flying Instructor (ANZSCO 231113)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Fruit or Nut Grower (ANZSCO 121213)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ) (ANZSCO 121214)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Grape Grower (ANZSCO 121215)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Graphic Designer (ANZSCO 232411)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years full time relevant work experience.
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager (ANZSCO 142114)
Excludes positons that:
- predominantly involve hair dressing or beauty therapy related non-managerial tasks.
- in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Hairdresser (ANZSCO 391111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Helicopter pilot (ANZSCO 231114)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Horse Breeder (ANZSCO 121316)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Hotel or Motel Manager (ANZSCO 141311)
Excludes positions that predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. rostering, maintaining records, reception duties and allocating duties to housekeepers, porters or doorpersons).
ICT Project Manager (ANZSCO 135112)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
ICT Support Engineer (ANZSCO 263212)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
ICT Systems Test Engineer (ANZSCO 263213)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Information and Organisation Professionals (nec) (ANZSCO 224999)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Livestock Farmers (nec) (ANZSCO 121399)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Management Consultant (ANZSCO 224711)
Excludes positions in businesses that:
- have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M; or
- in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Marketing Specialist (ANZSCO 225113)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- based in a front-line retail setting
- predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis
- with businesses than have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000.
Massage Therapist (ANZSCO 411611)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- are non full-time
- are not based in a therapeutic setting
- involve the provision of non-medical relaxation massage; or
- are not based in a retail setting.
Mechanical Engineering Technician (ANZSCO 312512)
Excludes positions relating to mobile phone repairs.
Mixed Crop & Livestock Farmer (ANZSCO 121411)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Mixed Crop Farmer (ANZSCO 121216)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Mixed Livestock Farmer (ANZSCO 121317)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Pastrycook (ANZSCO 351112)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- related to mass or standardised production, including positions based in a franchise or factory, as opposed to specialist production
- that involve full or partial production of food product for distribution to another location
- that predominantly involve the use of pre-prepared food product from another location.
Pig Farmer (ANZSCO 121318)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Post Office Manager (ANZSCO 142115)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Poultry Farmer (ANZSCO 121321)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Primary Products Inspectors(nec) (ANZSCO 311399)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast
Production Manager (Forestry) (ANZSCO 133511)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast
Recruitment Consultant (ANZSCO 223112)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000
- with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- with businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Retail Buyer (ANZSCO 639211)
Excludes positions that are
- based in a front-line retail setting; or
- that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis.
Sales and Marketing Manager (ANZSCO 131112)
Excludes any of the following positions
- based in a front-line retail setting;
- predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis;
- with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies;
- have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
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Sheep Farmer (ANZSCO 121322)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Software Tester (ANZSCO 261314)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Sports Centre Manager (ANZSCO 149113)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Sugar Cane Grower (ANZSCO 121217)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Supply and Distribution Manager (ANZSCO 133611)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- based in a front-line retail setting;
- that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis;
- in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M;
- that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
Taxation Accountant (ANZSCO 221113)
Excludes clerical, bookkeeper or accounting clerk positions.
Technical Sales Representatives (nec) including, but not limited to, education sales representatives (ANZSCO 225499)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- based in a front-line retail setting;
- based in a call centre and do not require a significant technical knowledge of products;
- predominantly involve selling educational courses to individual students;
- that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000.
Transport Company Manager (ANZSCO 149413)
Excludes any of the following positions:
- predominately involve responsibility for low skilled tasks (e.g. truck driving)
- positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
- positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
University Lecturer (ANZSCO 242111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Vegetable Grower (Aus) /Market Gardener (NZ) (ANZSCO 121221)
Excludes positions that:
- predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
- are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, the Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
Web Developer (ANZSCO 261212)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.
Wine Maker (ANZSCO 234213)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – that is, positions located in: Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.